About this event
NER Volunteer Trackside Experience at NHMS/Thompson
New England Region
Saturday, May 24, 2025
Check in @ 8am
New Hampshire Motor Speedway
Loudon, New Hampshire
SCCA Sanction# 25-WTRD-64637
This program will introduce people to New England Region Road Racing, and see what goes into making a successful race weekend happen.
Check-in Registration is 8am on Saturday May 24, then you will break into groups with a chaperone and meet with each of the specialties.
Later in the day you can pick 2 specialities to shadow during racing sessions for approximately 2 hours each.
Everyone is invited to join us for dinner and can volunteer for the next day if you are interested.
Club racing is "Serious Fun". This is a day for you to see and be part of the action. You will learn about, see, and become part of the speciality teams.
You'll meet the workers, see what is needed for a successful day, and how it is done, ask questions and get answers.
At the end of the day we will help you with the next steps to being part of the team.
Event Contact: Salvatore Baisley sa26bais@gmail.com 914-483-8756
On-Line Registrar: Linda Capullo lincap07@gmail.com
Event requirements
Please review all information in your MSR (MotorsportReg.com) profile is updated, including your email address, emergency contact info. and phone numbers.